Wednesday, September 19, 2007


"He who has a why to live for can bear almost any how."


inspired by timo :)

4 reactions :

Mohaly said...

Why...tells you the vision, and as long as it is clear, the how (strategy) can adopt to changes in the right time :)

Geeee said...

nase7a menny ... mesh kol 7aga kda tesma3a te7otaha ... mesh kol 7aga 3ala bo2ak ok ;P

Tamerz said...

fe eh yad ya geeee malek wmal bo2bo2 alek inspired by timo yb2a tkhrs khales wala kelma wt7otha fe el blog bta3k kaman :P:P rabena ykhlek lena ya bo2bo2 :D

Geeee said...

eh ya 7abeby enty we howa ento betgamlo ba3d wala eh :D howa fara7 el 3omda hena... matesma3sh kalamo yad ya bo2bo2 we shoflak mozza tezabatak ;)