Friday, March 02, 2007


why does every perfectly good movie have to be depressing

Requiem for a dream (7 days to recover depression)
Waking life (3 days to recover depression)

& a movie misho gave me and told me not to watch when u can get depressed

just saw "ba7eb el sima" it's that disputed movie in egypt about a family of exteremist Christians i promise my self to blog it i just need sometime to digest it first, oh God.

this is a shot i loved the father is tired but trying to compensate the kid for what he did all the past years, I realized that it's the small things in life that make the person happy

soon i'll post more

2 reactions :

Fatiflower said...

I really like the movie.
Extermism is not related to a religion itself. It's a way of life that makes it complicated and depressing.

Misho said...

This is the worst movie ever, it should have never been made in the first place, it touches a very sensitive area in our community, while it shouldn't.