Tuesday, May 31, 2005

AutoPlay Studio

Auto Play studio
is a really nice an smooth tool
it's made just for those who want to develop multimedia CDs in a glance

i know what al u developers would say it's a drag and drop model it's limitde to certain functionalities and wizard options i'd say no it has its so called "action script" i know that the trade mark belongs to macromedia for flash scripting BUT it's actually very good u can even build ur own com components and include them into your programming sequances

it's really good i've build a few samples with it and helped a friend with its development it's really nice easy and handy



i am recording the moment of us considuring to have a UDDI which is a universal discovery and discription interchange server

we have a lot of webservices and we're preparing for a large SAPs module

this is just a record to c if the idea will survive or get shot

Sunday, May 29, 2005

one more thing

i would like to welcome the new team members

Abd el mohsen Basha

Victor Basha

i hope u guyz will be fine ammong the weird us


well i first saw this line orf code on a friends nick name on msn

it means keep thinking till the end in a C++ syntax

while "means as long as this is the only clear thing here i guess"

while takes a condition which returns either true or false the condtion is END which will weirdly mean as long as it's the end think whihc is weird plz note the " ! " sign it means NOT

so it becomes as long as it's not the end the Braces "()" indicate a contaiiner of the condition

then a curly pair of brackets indicates the actions when the result of what's between the braces

so think is a method that needs not more clarification so it has a pair of braces a simicolon inidcates " that's it "

Saturday, May 28, 2005


i've just finished watching "Taken" a series that deals with the issue of alien abductions first i thouht it was a cheap story with Xtreme graphics but with a little research i found out that the series is invovling an amazing director this guy is called "steven spielberg" the guy who innovated the ledgendary

close encounter of the third type also the gr8 ET

the series discusses an alien experiement on humans , the guy "steven" - i like that - took a series of real dates and events and also urban legends , rumors to form a full standing story

the 10 episodes are one seaseon in ~ 1:20 minutes each of gr8 writing and acting

and ofcourse gr8 gr8 gr8 directing

Friday, May 27, 2005


long time for me now almost 5 months

this is the longest time for me not to play a good pc game

the last game i played was half life II it was good game

i felt weird when blizzards released world of war craft as an online 3d game this would be the first time for me to hear of a full blown 3d game to have it's basis online i thin kthey made a bet and won

there was a lot of silence about the release of games but finally i found out why there was that games conference "E3" which revealed xbox 360 and ps III u hope this doesn't get toi be the end of games for pc

i am a dedicated pc game player waiting for a nice game to be released

i heared the past week of an online game called the crims i donno is this the future is gfx going down the drain for pc game players i certainly do hope not

do we have to buy game consoles only time will tell

Hassan HUssien

MAN u're the best just quit smoking

Hassan was my friend and fellow developer we were co workers for like 6 months

the guy fought and fought for ...... lots of things

though we'll miss you in our team

man u deserve the best go just don't be a pmp

Thursday, May 19, 2005

face lift

i came back to my work after a couple of weeks vacation

i enjoyed my vacation very after all it's the longest vacation i everhad since graduation
here i am sitting in a cyber cafe in alex the weather is great
i am thinking of work
i am now working on a |"face lift"| of mazika.com
yeah i know the term sounds like a plastic surgery

a face lift as we derfine it is a simple process of cleanning unnecessary code after many times of editing the original code and also introducing a new design

there's also another term
this other term is called |"Revamp"|
this one sounds a little like vampire's work i don;t know what the word means but it represents a full rewrite of the applucation having suffered the draw backs of the current instance of development

actually i did a total rewrite of the current functions of mazika.com and i also added new functionality to the website or create a website with the products vision

it's still called "face life" mayb just cuz i as a service operation developer did it , mayb because it's made in products technology not in linkdev

i am way pleased with the performance of my colleagues and from my point of view they just might be the best developers that can redevelop , revamp or facelift

i am totally happy with what i do no matter what other partries think

may b some day we'll really be appreciated and get the right flows of things for better business models

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

being a pro


here in egypt really seems impossible to be a friend with your co workers especially in the software production business i am just saying this is the rule i have exceptions which is still a nice percentage but still it's not the majority

what we really need is a strict system to be applied this system defines the relationship between every customer and software development entities i have friends developing for friends of theirs , i told'em oki really do think u should refuse this projects they said Noooo they're our friends , and i keep hearing of how annoyed they're of each other

i think , we as egyptians are passionate people (as we say tayebeen) ma ne7ebesh neza3al 7ad), we also "don't like to cut someone's bread" as he most probably would be running on kids

bass what's right is right

ma7adesh yez3al menny