Saturday, July 07, 2007

relating to a sitcom charchter

well i think the reason where u like a specific sitcom or a movie is that you can relate to a character in it, i like "that 70s show" and friends cuz u can relate to their characters where my friends are the friends around me. both series have good memories with friends of mine watching it on our computers in cairo

friends i still have the complete collection and i watch that 70s show on mbc i have watched friends over 13 times and i am working on my 14th (geek i know) but hey i enjoy it more every time and i know that "that 70s show" only second season is being played on mbc but i still enjoy it even when i can lips whole episodes

2 reactions :

Lamma Helwa said...

Totally agree

Missing those days... hope we could do re-union one day.

and I have Friends because of you... I am thinking now in starting to download the 70's show

Lamma Helwa said...

bo2bo2... just a question came across my mind... from friends and 70's show... In which character do u see me?

tb2a 2olly el egaba fe wedny... matsaya7sh ya3ny