Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Cleaning up

May be because we don't actually do the cleaning up of our apartment here in Hurghada and the cleaning guyz come to clean up (they do everything including washing the dishes)

we tend to get extra sloppy especially when we get closer to the cleaning up date, sometimes i even think that humans aren't meant to live in a clean place ... :)

the funny thing is that u get this funny combos

as you can c

  1. remote controls
  2. empty Mc Donalds coke cup
  3. jam jar
  4. sun glasses
  5. cheese box
  6. screw driver
  7. dirty plates and knives
  8. covers of pre-cooked meal cans
  9. phone charge cards
  10. headphones
  11. key chain
  12. empty Mc Donalds apple pie paper
  13. peanut butter jar
  14. small bread crumbs
  15. on the sticky table
you'd never have guessed that these items can be so close to each other right
it's ok now everything is ok that the cleaners came and cleaned up

3 reactions :

IMIDOS said...

hahahah enta hat2oly :D but you know, sometimes they can be related to each others especially when used by a geek ;)

bo2bo2 said...

nothing geeky about these items!!

Mohaly said...

I don't know why am I even commenting on this. Guys you need a Rehabilitation!