Monday, January 08, 2007

All my friends !

it's my first time among friends i feel left out, even when my Friend hany was assuring me that he is not going to change after marrige, he really did change. (it's not something that he can control :) )

i feel left out now that all my friends are married, it's not that they are married i feel marride people vibe (can't explain what that is, sorry) when we go all out together (i still think we won't be able to get an outing like the one we had this Christmas (which i enjoyed very much ) for a very long time

i hope that this post doesn't make u think that i'd get married anytime soon (i've seen enough)

Amir Magdy
(Cairo Domestic Airport)

P.S. most of my friends (i still have sane friends)

1 reaction:

Anonymous said...

the AntiSingle consperacy carried out by the society :)

it's a hard place to live
THANK GOD for the remaining single friends