Sunday, June 05, 2005

Wedding songs

i know how negative everyone must be to write a comment but this time i'm trying to get this provocative

alright i had this conversation with a friend (Male firend) he said that he wanted shania twains song "u r still the one" to be the first song played on his wedding ,he's in a dreamy mood currently "la 7awl walla kowatta ella bellah , shar la bod mennoh"

So told him that's not so nice i think the song "I want to spend my life time lovin' u " by marc antony and tina arena "i hope i spelled their names right" not that i have any thoughts of getting married just to annoy him i am snigle and NOT looking

If u got to this part of this entry and still reading that'd be weird , no that's not what i was saying

just tell me what is the best song that u want to play firrst

i know it's not us males who decide bass it's a good practice of our musculanity b4 we get to it

ya 3eeny el wa7ed beyeb2a kewayess le7ad ma yetnayel 3ala 3eeno

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